Yamunaji Shrinathji Mantras | OFFLINE | HD Audio | Repeat | FREE | HD God image
Shree Yamuna, the greatest among the great rivers is also known as the Queen consort of Lord Shri Krishna. She is the daughter of SURYA (the Sun) and brother of Yama (The god of death) and Shani (Saturn).Goloka the divine abode of the Lord is the home of Yamuna. When the Lord dictated Yamuna to descend on the earth, she first went round Shri Krishna. Thereafter, with great force, she descended on the peak of Sumeru Mountain. Her journey began thence towards the southern side of the great mountain chains. and reached a peak Kalind, to start her journey downwards since Yamuna began her journey downwards from the peak Kalind, hence she got an epithet Kalindi. Crossing and piercing many peaks and wetting expansive plains in the way, Yamuna travel fast to reach Vrindavana and Mathura in Vraja region.
In Gokul, the extremely pretty Yamuna constituted a group of teenaged girls to participate is Raas of Lord Krishna. She also selected an abode there for permanent stay. In Pushti Marg, Shri Yamunaji occupies the most important position as the "Beloved of ShriNathji". Shree Radhikaji and Shree Yamunaji are both indispensable Sakhis or Soul mates of Shree Thakurji. She is not merely a river, but literally fluid form of Bhakti,utter devotion which flows eternally. During the Divine RAAS when Shree Radhikaji was upset with the sudden disappearence of Shree Thakurji (to bring down the ego of other Gopanganas), shree Krishna sent Shree yamunaji in his own costumes and ornaments. She looked exactly like Shree Krishna to wipe away the gloom from Shree Radhikaji's face. Since then Shree Yamunaji is always seen in clothes and ornaments similar to shree Shreenathji (Shree Krishna).
She is the very embodiment of divine grace. Shrimada Vallabhacharyaji gained his first darshan of the Lord through Her grace.When he first came to Vraj, AcharyaShri rested on the shores of the holy river - Yamunaji. The place where he first rested, was (at that time) just outside the small village of Gokul. There, the She appeared before him and through Her grace, Acharyaji was able to talk directly to the Lord Himself. This place is now hallowed as the Thakurani Ghat. He It is here, that the Lord came to talk directly to Shri Acharyaji at midnight on the 11th day of the bright fortnight of the month of Shravan. At this time, the Lord gave Vallabhacharyaji the key to free souls from this wicked age of Kaliyuga. As Shri Yamunaji was the intermediary for this first meeting, AcharyaShri expressed his gratitude to Her by writing his famous Yamunashtaka. Of his 16 main works, written for advising and guiding his devotees, this is probably the most important hymn in Pushti Marg. Shri Mahaprabhuji was so impressed by the power of the place, he decided to have a house built near the area at Adel. There are many festivals and major religious celebrations celebrated on the banks of the confluence.
Thus Shree yamunaji holds the position of any inetrmediater between Shree Goverdhannathji and his devotees. There are many literary works available even today dipicting the glory and grace pf Shree Yamunaji on pushti souls .
Shri Yamunaji Ni Stuti श्री यमुनाजी नई स्तुति
Shrinathji ni jhankhi श्रीनाथजी नई झंखि
Mara Ghat Ma Birajta Shreenathji मारा घाट माँ बिराजते श्रीनाथजी
Arji Amri Suno Shreenathji अर्जी अमरि सुनो श्रीनाथजी
Shri Krishna Na Charnarvind ni Rajthaki श्री कृष्णा न चरणारविन्द नई राज्थाकि
Shrinathji Navratna Stotra श्रीनाथजी नवरत्न स्तोत्र
Vanke Ambode Shrinathji ne Sundir Shaym Swaroop वांके अंबोदे श्रीनाथजी ने सुंदिर श्याम स्वरुप
Yamunaji Shrinathji Mantra | OFFLINE | HD Audio | ulangi | GRATIS | HD gambar Allah
Shree Yamuna, yang terbesar di antara sungai besar juga dikenal sebagai Permaisuri Tuhan Shri Krishna. Dia adalah putri dari SURYA (Matahari) dan saudara Yama (Dewa kematian) dan Shani (Saturnus) .Goloka tempat tinggal ilahi Tuhan adalah rumah Yamuna. Ketika Tuhan didikte Yamuna untuk turun di bumi, ia pertama kali pergi putaran Shri Krishna. Setelah itu, dengan kekuatan besar, dia turun di puncak Semeru Mountain. perjalanannya mulai dari situ ke arah sisi selatan rantai gunung yang besar. dan mencapai puncaknya Kalind, untuk memulai perjalanannya ke bawah sejak Yamuna memulai perjalanannya ke bawah dari puncak Kalind, maka dia mendapat julukan Kalindi. Crossing dan menusuk banyak puncak dan membasahi dataran luas di jalan, perjalanan Yamuna cepat untuk mencapai Vrindavana dan Mathura di wilayah Vraja.
Di Gokul, yang sangat cantik Yamuna merupakan sekelompok gadis-gadis remaja untuk berpartisipasi adalah Raas dari Tuhan Krishna. Dia juga dipilih tempat tinggal di sana selama tinggal permanen. Dalam Pushti Marg, Shri Yamunaji menempati posisi yang paling penting sebagai "Kekasih Shrinathji". Shree Radhikaji dan Shree Yamunaji keduanya Sakhis diperlukan atau rekan Soul of Shree Thakurji. Dia bukan hanya sungai, tapi secara harfiah berupa cairan Bhakti, mengucapkan pengabdian yang mengalir abadi. Selama Raas Ilahi ketika Shree Radhikaji kesal dengan disappearence tiba-tiba Shree Thakurji (untuk menurunkan ego dari Gopanganas lainnya), shree Krishna dikirim Shree yamunaji kostum dan ornamen sendiri. Dia tampak persis seperti Shree Krishna untuk menghapus kegelapan dari wajah Shree Radhikaji ini. Sejak itu Shree Yamunaji selalu terlihat dalam pakaian dan ornamen mirip dengan Shree Shreenathji (Shree Krishna).
Dia adalah perwujudan dari rahmat ilahi. Shrimada Vallabhacharyaji memperoleh darshan pertama dari Tuhan melalui grace.When nya ia pertama kali datang ke Vraj, AcharyaShri beristirahat di tepi sungai suci - Yamunaji. Tempat di mana ia pertama kali beristirahat, itu (pada waktu itu) di luar desa kecil Gokul. Di sana, Dia muncul di hadapannya dan melalui kasih karunia-Nya, Acharyaji mampu berbicara langsung dengan Tuhan sendiri. Tempat ini sekarang dikuduskan sebagai Thakurani Ghat. Dia sinilah, bahwa Tuhan datang untuk berbicara langsung dengan Shri Acharyaji pada tengah malam pada hari ke-11 dari dua minggu terang bulan Shravan. Pada saat ini, Tuhan memberikan Vallabhacharyaji kunci untuk jiwa-jiwa bebas dari usia fasik ini Kaliyuga. Seperti Shri Yamunaji adalah perantara pertemuan pertama ini, AcharyaShri mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya kepada-Nya dengan menulis Yamunashtaka terkenal. Dari 16 karya utamanya, ditulis untuk menasihati dan membimbing pengikutnya, ini mungkin adalah himne yang paling penting dalam Pushti Marg. Shri Mahaprabhuji begitu terkesan dengan kekuatan tempat, ia memutuskan untuk memiliki rumah yang dibangun dekat daerah di Adel. Ada banyak festival dan perayaan besar keagamaan dirayakan di tepi pertemuan tersebut.
Jadi Shree yamunaji memegang posisi setiap inetrmediater antara Shree Goverdhannathji dan pengikutnya. Ada banyak karya sastra yang tersedia bahkan hari ini dipicting kemuliaan dan rahmat pf Shree Yamunaji pada jiwa pushti.
Shri Yamunaji Ni Stuti श्री यमुनाजी नई स्तुति
Shrinathji ni jhankhi श्रीनाथजी नई झंखि
Mara Ghat Ma Birajta Shreenathji मारा घाट माँ बिराजते श्रीनाथजी
Arji Amri Suno Shreenathji अर्जी अमरि सुनो श्रीनाथजी
Shri Krishna Na Charnarvind ni Rajthaki श्री कृष्णा न चरणारविन्द नई राज्थाकि
Shrinathji Navratna Stotra श्रीनाथजी नवरत्न स्तोत्र
Vanke Ambode Shrinathji ne Sundir Shaym Swaroop वांके अंबोदे श्रीनाथजी ने सुंदिर श्याम स्वरुप